If you are or your employees think you may be sick, we suggest having a quick glance at potential symptoms in the 'Do I Need To Get Tested For COVID-19?' infographic on the page at the following link: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/PublishingImages/COVID-19/Get-Tested-WEB-03.png
Scheduling a office visit with a physician may be next to impossible at this time however, more than likely, your health insurance carrier has a virtual-visit service that may allow you to schedule a visit with a doctor via phone or video-meeting. Click the appropriate link below to find a doctor virtually:
Kaiser - Northern California: https://mydoctor.kaiserpermanente.org/ncal/get-care/
Kaiser - Southern California: https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/southern-california/get-care
Sutter Health Plus: https://www.sutterhealth.org/myhealthonline/video-visits?_ga=2.141324978.1250530290.1584555738-1433740479.1558537043
Western Health Advantage: https://www.dignityhealth.org/mobile-apps/video-visits
Blue Shield: https://member.teladoc.com/bsc
Anthem Blue Cross: https://livehealthonline.com/
Eureka Insurance Solutions continues to operate, business as usual. We are all practicing safe social distancing, working remotely, and providing excellent, uninterrupted service to you and your employees.
<b><a href="https://www.onegeneric.com/product/buy-tretinoin-0-05-cream-online-tretin-cream">tretin 0.05 cream </a> </b> can be a safe, effective treatment option for acne. It can also help reduce the appearance of surface wrinkles and dark spots due to sun damage. While it can irritate the skin at first and you may not see results for months, it can help promote smoother, healthier skin. is designed for use once per day, typically in the evening. Follow the instructions and do not use more frequently than prescribed, as this will not provide faster or better results